Our cozy knits are made to last. Here are a few tips on how to care for them carefully and prolong their life!


Washing virgin wool and merino sweaters too often will damage them. To keep the softness of our knits and avoid that they pilling, we advise you to space out the washings as much as possible. You don't wear your sweaters next to your skin, so unless you have excessive perspiration or stain yourself, it is not necessary to wash your wool sweaters too much.

Wool is self-renewing and therefore self-cleaning. Virgin wool retains heat by allowing moisture to evaporate. Merino wool has anti-bacterial properties and does not retain odors. Therefore, you just have to air your sweaters after wearing them! To know everything about the properties of wool, we tell you everything here.


The labels on our sweaters say hand wash. But we know that when we wash sweaters by hand, we tend to rub and wring out the stitches too much, which breaks the fiber. You should soak your sweater in cold water with mild shampoo for 5 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly before wringing it out in a terry towel.

For an optimal wash, we recommend the machine. Contemporary models have excellent wool programs that allow for a cold, gentle wash and optimal spinning: no more than 20° and less than 800 rpm for spinning at the risk of felting or damaging these precious sweaters! For the cleaning agent, a soft, hypoallergenic and ecological liquid detergent will do the trick!


In order not to deform them, we recommend that you dry your sweaters flat! You can put them on a towel and turn them over from time to time. Virgin wool, it dries very quickly. Merino wool brings sensuality to our sock sweater. Playing on a contrast of a gray The drying should not last more than a day if the spinning has been properly done.

If you like to wear impeccably ironed clothes, the wool program of the iron allows you not to rush or burn the fiber which is sensitive and fragile. Iron on the reverse side, placing a cloth between the fabric and the iron. Our favorite technique is to use a steam iron with a steamer or a central steam unit. Indeed, the steam gives back the puffiness


As we explained above, you should air a sweater after wearing it because wool has self-cleaning properties. Purists will put their sweaters on a hanger instead of folding them in the closet. As with any garment, your dressing room should be dry to prevent moisture from ruining your sweaters.

Beware of moths which are a plague. They especially like woolens! Use moth repellent and check your wardrobe regularly to prevent any major problem.
In case of pilling, do not panic. Wool is a living material and pilling is a process of rejecting excess material. There will probably be some pilling at first, mostly on merino sweaters. Then they will naturally disappear. You can prevent them by washing the sweater inside out or in a net (the garment will rub less, releasing less excess fiber) and use a pilling razor to remove them from your sweater. To wool. Remember that wool is a natural material that reacts like your hair: the warmer and more humid the air, the more it swells!

Wool, a precious fiber