244 products
244 products
With a history of nearly 100 years (the first workshop was founded in 1922), Le Minor is the oldest Breton hosiery. It is also a manufacturing brand that has the exceptional characteristic of producing all of its garments in its two Breton workshops (Guidel and Quimper) and of producing them entirely there... When the spools of wool or cotton are delivered to the docks of the Breton workshops (from French or European spinning mills), it is only to leave in the form of a sweater or a sailor's jacket. Few workshops can claim such a total integration model of textile manufacturing. Very rare. The promise of Le Minor clothing is to last more than 40 years for a sweater, and more than 20 years for a sailor. This promise has been true for many years, and more recently with the opening of a second-hand department. A promise that gives meaning to the adjective "sustainable".